Can someone explain to me why do my artifact rolls in genshin is so #### that even with a double crit anemo goblet that i FORCED CRAFTED using the elixirs that I F ####G explored for days and nights, decided that it would be a GOOD IDEA to go to flat hp and atk. when CLEARLY, there's two GREAT SUBSTATS on it. Like why does this keep happening. Its bad enough that the artifact elixers are TOO RARE to make and find. Now all my hard work came to that? Mind you I have multiple accs, all different servers and it happened TWO times. Im litterally losing it. Hoyo thinks they can gaslight me to thinking that I should be thankful for the abundant primos in natlan but no. GIVE ME MY 50CV DESSERT PAVILLION ANEMO GOBLET RN OR IM GONNA SUE. #*×>&[m÷×;>gftwp1md
Anyways, Fireflies update soon after I reached the stage of acceptance of grief.