hey i am Hera

-Queen Of Olympus
-Goddess of Marriage, Childbirth, Home and Family
-Wife of Zeus
-Poseidon, Hades and Zeus are my brothers
-Hestia and Demeter are my sisters
-Chiron is my half-brother
-I am Jason's Patron
-I only have 2 demi-gods
-One of mother's favorites (i love to tease my brothers and husband :D)
-Rhea's 5th daughter
-i am the "glue" of the Olympian Family
-i love my family, and family comes first

i want to have a divorce with Zeus but i cant because of my domains, i dont hate my domains though i love them. Im just tired of the hate and my loving HUSBAND is a womanizer and cant keep his pants.

Both of my daughters, cut themselves which one, if one of them cut she will create a nightmare or bad dream to other people or if my other one cuts herself she creates a Mad storm in some places or if she is happy she give all her happiness to other people who aren't happy. And two, they are completely powerful, but they don't know that, powerful than the *coughcoughZeuschildrencoughcough*.

  • IscrittoNovember 30, 2014

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-_Hera_- -_Hera_- Jan 04, 2016 12:52AM
//Been so In-active.. Sorry guys
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Storia di -_Hera_-
Ask or Dare Lady Hera di -_Hera_-
Ask or Dare Lady Hera
Hey i was bored, and then this came up to my head. Ask me question or dare me ones...i promise ill do it ! Ho...