
Does anyone who was active around 2016ish know what happened to @kristqpher ? We used to be really, really good friends, and I'd like to make sure they're good. They separated from me for reasons that I understand now, but if anyone still talks to them and could at least let me know they're okay, I'd really appreciate that. They just kinda disappeared and I still think about them from time to time.


@-_Plane-Boi_- My hopes are kind of low, but I figured I'd ask anyway. I respect that they wanted to stop talking but I know they weren't in a great mindset at the time and I just worry about what happened afterwards


Does anyone who was active around 2016ish know what happened to @kristqpher ? We used to be really, really good friends, and I'd like to make sure they're good. They separated from me for reasons that I understand now, but if anyone still talks to them and could at least let me know they're okay, I'd really appreciate that. They just kinda disappeared and I still think about them from time to time.


@-_Plane-Boi_- My hopes are kind of low, but I figured I'd ask anyway. I respect that they wanted to stop talking but I know they weren't in a great mindset at the time and I just worry about what happened afterwards


☆{ Does anyone still roleplay anymore? Is that a thing? }☆


@-_Plane-Boi_- I dunno. I'm getting more into Monkie Kid recently, but that's just me. Not everyone. It's a good show, though. I highly recommend.


@QueenPoisonstar Crazy. I have been active-active in years. What's more popular nowadays?


Hello. Remember me?
          Yeah? No? Maybe? Well, that's okay. I went and left a few messages to people and I figured that I'd leave one here too, since the email of my other account was deleted.
          Hey. I hope you guys are doing well. A lot of people here really changed my life- helped make me who I am today. Thank you for that. Anyone I may have been close to- if you could reach out to me on instagram or discord, that would be amazing. I'd love to get back in touch and catch up.
          Insta: k00blez
          Discord: Puppy Boy#1304


@-_Plane-Boi_- I'm happy to hear that! I hope you're doing well!


@WolfieTheWeirdo heya!! I remember you too!!


Iced tea.
          Hey Iced coffee.
          Hey, Iced, Half Caff, Ristretto, Venti, 4-Pump, Sugar Free, Cinnamon, Dolce Soy Skinny Latte.


            I would like dat.


            Does somebody need a huuuug


Hay Hipster Ice how it going?


Arr y-you ok? W-why did you say great smol child


tato zpráva může být urážlivá
Ass heart
          Ice Sounds Like Ass


*Strange Donkey Noises*