
Dutch || writer || Slytherin || fangirl

Hi hi, I see that you've found my profile!

I'm nothing more that a lifeless humanoid creature who writes.
  • hell probably
  • انضمMarch 6, 2017

الرسالة الأخيرة
-aniek -aniek Jun 13, 2019 07:54AM
I legit just realized the school year is almost over, tho at this moment I am suffocating in unfinished schoolwork and all the things I have to study for the last tests of this year BUUUT because the...
عرض جميع المحادثات

قصص بقلم -A
a mess of words بقلم -aniek
a mess of words
|| a mess of words || A book featuring my poems. Not all of them are good or amazing, but I wanted to share t...
+7 أكثر
Welcome to the chaos بقلم -aniek
Welcome to the chaos
S C A R L E T is a normal 17 year old teenage girl. She goes to high school, has awesome friends and lives a...
+8 أكثر
1 قائمة قراءة