
Hey so Let Me Lie announcement, I may need to restructure/plot/write what I already have. I kinda wrote myself into a hole and kinda just hate where I was going with it. 
          	Any deploying/structuring/writing I do do will only make the story stronger and more coherent. I think I was playing with too many big ideas and I need to pull some of them back and cut some all together… that being said it might take time for me to write a quick outline and get to work rewriting 
          	I know some of you are attached to what I have already written and I’d hate to take it from you, would you all have a preference on me just adding the revised chapters onto what I have or creating a whole other story for the revised chapters to be published in
          	I appreciate your kind words and all of the support. The characters are still near to my heart and I won’t let them fade away, they might just need to live a different story. 


@themagicaldeer I would definitely keep the original available to those who wanted to revisit, I wouldn’t add a summary as to what would have happened in the original version because my goal would be to have the new version make sense as a more fleshed out version of the original and thus act as “closure” for the original. I hope that makes sense.
          	  I do appreciate everyone’s feedback and want to keep the old stuff up if people really enjoy it (even if it drove me into manic plot hole spirals)  but I’m getting closer to finishing the new and improved plot outline and hopefully will have chapters to share with you all soon :)


@-crucible As long as you finish this book I will be pleased with anything u do so take your time i will wait at the finish line to start reading best of luck.


I think adding the revised chapters on to the og story could work, but that just may be me being attached to what’s already been written lol, ofc though whatever you think is best will probably be great 


Hey Crucible,
          How are you doing? 
          I read your story's this week and i loved them. Especially Let me Lie and Sevens. Are you still updating them? I hope so because they are great!


Hey Charlotteashanthi! 
            I’m glad you enjoyed them :) 
            So I wrote sevens when I was like 17-18 ish (I unfortunately, am old now) and while I still care greatly for the characters I don’t know how to return to that story at the moment, for now they will stay where they are.
            However, Let Me Lie is currently underway for a massive rewrite/overhaul! There was more to the story and characters than I realized when starting it and I had to put a fast stop to the first draft so that i could really make sure I was getting everything right. I’m hoping to finish out the outline in the next couple of months and get chapters started soon after that!
            I appreciate you reaching out and sharing your love for all my characters with me and I hope I can bring them back to you soon :) 


This is going to be a weird request but is there anywhere I can go to purchase a copy of, Of Soot and Cinders! i love this book and would love to bind a physical copy of the book!!


But there are a lot of typos atm so I need to revise before I can do that


… if I did rewrite it I would make it an Amazon book or something for yall for sure 


Omg that’s super sweet, I do have plans to rewrite it soon (somehow writing Let Me Lie expanded the oSaC (lol) universe so I need to rewrite all of it to be up to date with my theories in my head) 
            But until then honestly if you have any experience bookbinding go ahead and pirate the copy that I have posted and have at it lol, I have to be honest and say i might done that with some of my own favorite fics at one point or another 


Hi author! Missing your works a lot these days (I’ve reread them at least 5x lol) so I hope you’re ok and we’ll see you return soon


@-crucible- It's okay! Take your time we will always be waiting on you, especially us readers from Let Me Lie!


Hey @fantasy_is_my_escape I really appreciate the sweet message, and the many rereads, I am hoping to continue my stories but at the moment life is kinda throwing a temper tantrum so I also don’t want to promise anything soon. I always have my characters at the back of my brain chilling out waiting for some time to keep working on their stories but it’s definitely slow going… I’m sorry I can’t give you more at the moment 


Hey, do you think you would able to continue Alexei story??


Hey @carameldopecom so as much as I want to continue Alexi’s story I think so much time has passed that I don’t know where I would even begin, I would love to one day come back to those characters but right now I’m not in the place where I could return and do the story justice, I’m so sorry that my stupid teenage self left that story on a cliffhanger 


Hey so Let Me Lie announcement, I may need to restructure/plot/write what I already have. I kinda wrote myself into a hole and kinda just hate where I was going with it. 
          Any deploying/structuring/writing I do do will only make the story stronger and more coherent. I think I was playing with too many big ideas and I need to pull some of them back and cut some all together… that being said it might take time for me to write a quick outline and get to work rewriting 
          I know some of you are attached to what I have already written and I’d hate to take it from you, would you all have a preference on me just adding the revised chapters onto what I have or creating a whole other story for the revised chapters to be published in
          I appreciate your kind words and all of the support. The characters are still near to my heart and I won’t let them fade away, they might just need to live a different story. 


@themagicaldeer I would definitely keep the original available to those who wanted to revisit, I wouldn’t add a summary as to what would have happened in the original version because my goal would be to have the new version make sense as a more fleshed out version of the original and thus act as “closure” for the original. I hope that makes sense.
            I do appreciate everyone’s feedback and want to keep the old stuff up if people really enjoy it (even if it drove me into manic plot hole spirals)  but I’m getting closer to finishing the new and improved plot outline and hopefully will have chapters to share with you all soon :)


@-crucible As long as you finish this book I will be pleased with anything u do so take your time i will wait at the finish line to start reading best of luck.


I think adding the revised chapters on to the og story could work, but that just may be me being attached to what’s already been written lol, ofc though whatever you think is best will probably be great 


Just finished sevens 
            I read somewhere that for every good thing or happy moments we get, someone else somewhere else gets a bad thing in return.
          Aleksei WAS one of those people that pass through the world to reduce our suffering so in a way he really was Jesus. Lost boy by Ruth b playing cause at least he's in Neverland. Rest in peace Aleksei.


@thatprettyblackgirl thanks hun i will for someone to have suffered so much i would like to believed he gets his happyending


@gunpat1970 Turns out, he DIDN'T die. It's kinda nice to know that but I've already grieved Aleksei so it doesn't really matter to me. The author has posted the next chapter so go check it out 


@thatprettyblackgirl But did he really die looking foward to find out in bk 2 whenever its released.


I'm currently reading Of Soot and Cinders, and I'm really emotional right now. 


@callmemack thanks so much for following me, means a lot since I'm a new writer, can you check out the introduction thingy and my prologue, I love constructive criticism 


@thatprettyblackgirl I've already read claimed and it was good so lemme check the others and give them a chance. Thank you ❤


@callmemack oh and 'claimed ' or 'soul mate service ' maybe ' after the fall' am I rambling ? Sorry bye!


I just reread sevens in 24 hrs and completely forgot how emotionally devastating the end is. I saw an old message that said he’s not dead, but I’m still in shock. Is there any way you would ever consider posting just one more extension/epilogue so we know that he gets into a semi-safe place? I would love to see him find a home with Reece or Pierre, because I am just not emotionally well right now. You are way to much of a powerful writer lol. Thank you and hope you are doing okay


I totally get the frustration I promise. At the moment I couldn’t promise on writing another part just because as I’m getting older (lol high school me had no responsibilities) I don’t have a ton of time, I also would want to do an entire rewrite if I were able to work on that project again. I would love to one day but I also don’t want to get your hopes up. But I’ll keep it at the back of my mind for sure! And thank you for the support I appreciate it greatly 


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Hey! Always looking out for your updates, but that rarely ever happens, even still it gives me too much hope & excitement. Anyways, without sounding like a total shit, can I ask if do you plan on coming up with chapters for “Let me Lie” soon? 


I did post an update yesterday… I’m doing this as a hobby mostly, so it’s unfortunately not a top priority for me as much as I would like it to be 