Follow @aVoiceForUs and check out their book :) We want to spread awareness about Wattpad's true colors, and bring justice to those who have been wronged by them. For example, Holly Hamilton, author of The Water Weaver and Glass Dragons. She was falsely accused of harassment and then deleted of Wattpad, all her other accounts deleted as well. You may tell me that I don't know if she didn't harass someone or not, but trust me, Holly would never do that. I know her, I've conversed with her, and I know that she is just a human being that has been put through pain when she didn't deserve it at all.
Plagiarization is NOT a small problem. This is the key thing that Holly was having a hard time with. There was someone plagiarizing her book who was in good standing with Wattpad. After many more situations, she was deleted, as if she was never there. It's that easy to get rid of you. Will I be next? Will you?
To learn more, follow said account (at the top).
@mstephanie1424 @iamilw9d YOU TWO BETTER VOTE AND STUFF