
 //   meowscles sleeps curled up like a regular cat on midas' bed and comforts midas.  
          	midas has nightmares and a poor sleep schedule. he blames work on not sleeping, claiming he's too busy to sleep, but he actually has dreams about his deceased daughter and wife, his past, and unfortunate events he's been through in his life.
          	he drinks a lot of coffee to keep alert. and also sneakily drinks energy drinks but isn't too upfront about that fact because he thinks it'll ruin his image.
          	meowscles sleeping next to him, or at least at the foot of the bed, comforts him. he runs his hand through the cat's fur on days where he can control the golden curse.
          	midas was deeply depressed when he went through a time of barely being able to control his curse. meowscles was the first during that time period to allow him to touch him without fearing he'd be turned to gold. midas pet meowscles' fur on his head and miraculously didn't turn him golden. 
          	they have a good bond that only became stronger from this. midas views him not only as an agent or a pet but as a friend.


          	  "Oh......sorry to hear that boss......." He replied thinking for a second. "If I may ask why is she mad?" 


          	  Midas absentmindedly pet the cat's fur. He was snapped out of his thoughts when Meowscles spoke.  "Jules isn't talking to me again. She's mad at me."


          	  Meowscles purred softly as Midas pet his head. His fur was soft before looking up at him. "Anything on your mind?" He asks 


“ es tut mir leid .  i..  almost mistook you for a threat .  ”
          / POV : almost get hit by a pacifistic german .  


            violence was an almost forgotten nature to felix , as if his mind became blank to its blinding rage .  sometimes it still reared its ugly head , even now .  the ex - stasi enforcer felt his hand tremble , lowering them best he could—  feeling ashamed .  “ it means ‘i’m sorry’ in my native tongue .  and i’m no threat to you  ,  you simply just startled me is all .  forgive me .  ”


            midas had flinched, his body tensing, ready to take a punch. once the other spoke, he responded, looking weary,   
             " uh . . .  apologies ,  i'm not sure what you said .  but i'm no threat to you . "


found it;  black hairspray.  good price too.  still want it?  i think hot pink would look just as nice. 


            i think so, too.   * midas takes one last glance at the shelf of products before he follows after vince. *   i'd like some popcorn. or maybe candy.


of course.  i mean,  i’ve never dyed my hair before but i’m sure this gots to work.  *  giving the can a little shake for show,  he turns away to walk down the aisle,  *  so,  anything else before we pay up and get outta here? 


            that's better.   * he allowed a smile to grace his features. *   are you sure it's for this?  i want it to work.


 //   meowscles sleeps curled up like a regular cat on midas' bed and comforts midas.  
          midas has nightmares and a poor sleep schedule. he blames work on not sleeping, claiming he's too busy to sleep, but he actually has dreams about his deceased daughter and wife, his past, and unfortunate events he's been through in his life.
          he drinks a lot of coffee to keep alert. and also sneakily drinks energy drinks but isn't too upfront about that fact because he thinks it'll ruin his image.
          meowscles sleeping next to him, or at least at the foot of the bed, comforts him. he runs his hand through the cat's fur on days where he can control the golden curse.
          midas was deeply depressed when he went through a time of barely being able to control his curse. meowscles was the first during that time period to allow him to touch him without fearing he'd be turned to gold. midas pet meowscles' fur on his head and miraculously didn't turn him golden. 
          they have a good bond that only became stronger from this. midas views him not only as an agent or a pet but as a friend.


            "Oh......sorry to hear that boss......." He replied thinking for a second. "If I may ask why is she mad?" 


            Midas absentmindedly pet the cat's fur. He was snapped out of his thoughts when Meowscles spoke.  "Jules isn't talking to me again. She's mad at me."


            Meowscles purred softly as Midas pet his head. His fur was soft before looking up at him. "Anything on your mind?" He asks 


..you back. 


you know how hunt? 


( the boy stared, skepticism abundantly present. he walked around, spear in hand, gaze fixed on the elder uncertainly. ) have food? 


  "  nothing lasts forever. except gold.
          and my pain. "     //   cb  for  a  rp .


// :3 I feel so bad for him


midas?  hang on  ..  is this really / you /?  back from the ‘dead’? 


            to get away.      * short and bittersweet was his answer as he brought his hand up to clutch his prosthetic arm's wrist. *    i'm tired, vince.  i don't want, or need, more trouble.


*  vince blew a breath,  a hand coming up to scratch his head,  *  too long.  can’t say i been keepin’ count of the days,  but it’s been / long /,  midas.  what  ..  are your plans now? 


            yes.   / that  /  hades.    * he tilted his head to look down at vince's shoes. the gold laurel wreath crown nestled in midas'  hair glistened in the meek light. *     it wasn't pleasant.  
            * was all midas said for a while. just as he eventually spoke again, he turned his golden gaze to look at vince's expression. *  
            how long have i been gone?  it felt like an eternity.


 //  i'm going to start the second character arc for midas today. i'm gonna do a timeskip with this midas, where it's been four years since he disappeared but now he's back. 
          cb for a rp or feel free to drop things! it'd probably work more if people dropped stuff but it's up to you all  (: