» i am iron man. «

📸 a c t o r s 📸

⚜ robert downey jr.
⚜ thomas stanley holland
⚜ sebastian stan
⚜ christopher robert evans
⚜ thomas william hiddleston
⚜ christopher hemsworth
⚜ scarlett ingrid johansson
⚜ hayley elizabeth atwell
⚜ christopher michael pratt
⚜ elizabeth chase olsen
⚜ mark alan ruffalo
⚜ brian sidonie desaulniers "larson"
⚜ jeremy lee renner

🎬 films 🎬

⚜ marvel movies
⚜ disney films
⚜ tatbilb
⚜ the fault in our stars
⚜ pitch perfect
⚜ mirage
⚜ titanic

📽 series/ tv shows 📽

⚜ marvel series
⚜ high seas
⚜ sherlock [ BBC ]
⚜ anne with an "e"
⚜ the society
⚜ the rain
⚜ gossip girl
⚜ supernatural
⚜ stranger things
⚜ chilling adventures of sabrina
⚜ the umbrella academy
⚜ the vampire diaries
⚜ the originals
⚜ dark

📼 music 📼

⚜ shawn peter raul mendes
⚜ selena marie gomez
⚜ jonas brothers
⚜ dua lipa
  • انضمJune 11, 2019

قصة بقلم ⚜
about me بقلم -marvelsangel
about me
⚜ about me, who pretends to be famous and tries to be aesthetic and iconic ._.
9 قوائم قراءة