
I was in the winter of my life
          	And the men I met along the road were my only summer
          	At night I fell asleep with visions of myself dancing and laughing and crying with them
          	Three years down the line of being on an endless world tour and my memories of them were the only things that sustained me And my only real happy times
          	Sign Up
          	I was a singer
          	Not a very popular one
          	I once had dreams of becoming a beautiful poet
          	But upon an unfortunate series of events saw those dreams dashed and divided like a million stars in the night sky
          	That wished on over and over again, sparkling and broken
          	But I didn't really mind because I knew that.


this message may be offensive
 I believe in the person I want to become I believe in the freedom of the open road And my motto is the same as ever
          	  "I believe in the kindness of strangers"
          	  And when I'm at war with myself I ride
          	  I just ride
          	  Who are you?
          	  Are you in touch with all of your darkest fantasies?
          	  Have you created a life for yourself where you can experience them?
          	  I have
          	  I am fucking crazy, but I am free.


Because I was born to be the other woman
          	  Who belonged to no one Who belonged to everyone
          	  Who had nothing
          	  Who wanted everything
          	  With a fire for every experience and an obsession for freedom that terrified me to the point that I couldn't even talk about it And pushed me to a nomadic point of madness that both dazzled and dizzied me
          	  Every night I used to pray that l'd find my people
          	  And finally I did
          	  On the open road
          	  We had nothing to lose, nothing to gain, nothing we desired anymore
          	  Except to make our lives into a work of art
          	  Live fast
          	  Die young
          	  Be wild
          	  And have fun.


it takes getting everything you ever wanted and then losing it to know what true freedom is
          	  When the people I used to know found out what I had been doing how I had been living, they asked me why, but there's no use in talking to people who have a home
          	  They have no idea what its like to seek safety in other people
          	  For home to be wherever you lie your head
          	  I was always an unusual girl
          	  My mother told me that I had a chameleon soul
          	  No moral compass pointing due north
          	  No fixed personality
          	  Just an inner indecisiveness that was as wide and as wavering as the ocean
          	  And if I said I didn't plan for it to turn out this way l'd be lying.


I was in the winter of my life
          And the men I met along the road were my only summer
          At night I fell asleep with visions of myself dancing and laughing and crying with them
          Three years down the line of being on an endless world tour and my memories of them were the only things that sustained me And my only real happy times
          Sign Up
          I was a singer
          Not a very popular one
          I once had dreams of becoming a beautiful poet
          But upon an unfortunate series of events saw those dreams dashed and divided like a million stars in the night sky
          That wished on over and over again, sparkling and broken
          But I didn't really mind because I knew that.


this message may be offensive
 I believe in the person I want to become I believe in the freedom of the open road And my motto is the same as ever
            "I believe in the kindness of strangers"
            And when I'm at war with myself I ride
            I just ride
            Who are you?
            Are you in touch with all of your darkest fantasies?
            Have you created a life for yourself where you can experience them?
            I have
            I am fucking crazy, but I am free.


Because I was born to be the other woman
            Who belonged to no one Who belonged to everyone
            Who had nothing
            Who wanted everything
            With a fire for every experience and an obsession for freedom that terrified me to the point that I couldn't even talk about it And pushed me to a nomadic point of madness that both dazzled and dizzied me
            Every night I used to pray that l'd find my people
            And finally I did
            On the open road
            We had nothing to lose, nothing to gain, nothing we desired anymore
            Except to make our lives into a work of art
            Live fast
            Die young
            Be wild
            And have fun.


it takes getting everything you ever wanted and then losing it to know what true freedom is
            When the people I used to know found out what I had been doing how I had been living, they asked me why, but there's no use in talking to people who have a home
            They have no idea what its like to seek safety in other people
            For home to be wherever you lie your head
            I was always an unusual girl
            My mother told me that I had a chameleon soul
            No moral compass pointing due north
            No fixed personality
            Just an inner indecisiveness that was as wide and as wavering as the ocean
            And if I said I didn't plan for it to turn out this way l'd be lying.


الذَكرياتُ حَواجزٌ، و الحَلُ كَسرُها.
          و كيفَ تُكسر الذِكرى و هي مِن الوريدُ أجَزاء..؟
          أيُقطَع و يُترَك لِإفَراغ الحَياة؟.


أَلم يَكُن مِن الغَريبِ أن تَبقى غَريبٌ عَنِي؟
          و نَحنُ في الغَرامِ سواء..؟ 
          إنكَ تتفادى حُبّكَ غرورًا! تكبُرًا عَليه مِن شَعور.
          و تَعود تَصبُ الغِياثُ دموعٌ..دموع
          بَاحِثًا عَن الطَريق مِن الغيوم، إليّ.


رَاقصنِي في القَاعة الصامِته، تفاخُرًا
            أطعمنِي مِن بَقايا الحَلوى، كرمًا
            و تُراقصنِي..في القاعة الفَارِغة خجلًا
            و تُطعمنِي مِن فُتات ما تَبقى..بُخلًا.


          عِندَ الوداع، لا تَلمُني لو نَسيتُ بِضع أشَياء
          كَروحِي، بَقايا فؤادِي، أشلاءٌ مِن جَسدي
          إعتبرها ذِكَرى! لِلمعارك الأخِيرة 
          لِلحَرب الأوَلى
          و لا تَنسى أن تحتفِظ بِها في جُدرَان منزلك
          كَصورٌ تذكارية على الشَاطِئ
          كَمعزوفة مَنسِية
          او لُعبة مَعطوبة
          لا تَنسى حَفظي بِزُجاجة عُطرَك
          و حَذائِي الذي ضَاق عليّ
          و قَميصِي الذي ثَقبتُه
          بِضع أساور و ضِمادات غَطت مَعصمِي
          و مَحبتِي..التي دامت ما بقيّ مِن عُمرِي.


Please, not the old way.


اسأليني مرة ثانيّة : ليه؟ 
          و لأنِي أحبُّكِ، و الهَيّام في لُغة العِشاق إبتَلاء.
          أخَاف أن أبُتلى بِالحُب حَيثُ أبقى مُترقبًا لِبقايا مشاعرُكِ حَيثُ كُلها خِلاف..
          و الأذَى، معكوف فَلا أراهُ.
          لا يُمكنني أن أُشير مَتى و أين بِالتَحديد، لكن كيفَ لِي..؟ أن أبقى عَالِقًا في تِلكَ الرياح أجدِف بِعَكس الإتَجاة.
          و أنت بالكَاد..بِالكَاد تَذكُر تاريخ مِيلادي، بِالكاد.
          إني عَلى علمٍ كيفَ أقدم الأذَى في المُقابِل، و قَطعُه مِن أساسُه أسَاس.
          أليسَ حُبنا مليءٌ بِالغَفوات؟ 
          نِهايتُنا، رَغبتِي بِالمَضي فلا ذِراعيّكَ تقدُر عَلى حمل مِقدار الحُب.
          و لا كفيّ تقدرُ ضم شَظايا الزُجاج.


لَيتنِي أخَيطُ أجَفانِي و لا أراكَ
          أغَفو على حُلمٌ بِلقياكَ
          حيثُ ليسَ لِلرَجاءُ مَكان
          بَل تَحقيقٌ للأمُنيات.


حِينَ نَادى الليلُ عَليه
            فَزع خائِفًا..
            خَاف الظلام
            فالظلامُ عَنيدٌ لا يَستجيب
            الظلامُ مجرمٌ بِحَق عطايا النَور
            الظَلامُ غِطاء الخَطايا و الآثَام
            يُنادِي الفَجر..عَلّه يُسرِع المجيء
            عَلّ أفكارُه تَخيب
            و الليلُ يَنجلِي و رَغبة الموت تَنحسِر
            طالَ الليلُ، طالَ الظلامُ..
            و بَقايا جَسدُ الرَجُل العَجوز
            تحتُ أمتارٌ و أمتارٌ مِن الرِمَال.


مَتى يذوب الحَنين في أفواه الأحِبَّاء؟ 
            متى أنُطق عَهودي على ذا الثَغُر
            متى أذوق ما تَبقى مِن نَعيمٍ و ولّه..