Hello everyone! ♥️ Im sorry I haven’t been updating my story recently. I’ve been trying to plan out most of it before typing it all out and publishing, but it’s tricky cause I get RIDICULOUSLY inconvenient authors block, and really struggle coming up with ideas for later on in the story that make sense with the previous parts. Originally, I was just winging it, writing out what I thought would flow…which, if I’m being honest, it does kinda flow, BUT! me being the perfectionist I am… I’m really annoyed, because looking back and reading what I’ve written makes me realise that I haven’t introduced the whole Keith and Lance ‘rivalry’ thing…I know it’s not crucial, but I really wanna add some of the canon ‘enemy buddy vibes’ those two bois got going on in the series…and I feel like I’ve rushed into them being extremely close already, and now I don’t know wether or not to introduce a small bit of the … ‘rivals-but-actually-secretly-(-but-not-so-secretly-)-like-each-other’ kinda thing… UGH I’m confusing myself! I’m so ✨ prOfeSsIoNAl ✨ anyways… yeah sorry for not updating, I’ll get onto that sooner or later (hopefully sooner) aaannddd pls make sure to vote for my fix if you haven’t already (only if you are enjoying it, don’t worry I’m not forcing you to❤️) but that would really help me… ya know… ✨ MOtiVAtIon ✨

God I typed out that whole thing and that ONE teeny tiny spelling error is GRINNING at me… the little GREMLIN! *make sure to vote for my FIC!* (Not fix )