Cal walks on the Titanic with a dark skinned dark haired woman on his arm, a woman named Neve Gallus, who is only going with him because she’s one of the only people he trusted with his secret that he’s a Jedi, and has told no one else since, and both of them have gone undercover as “husband and wife” while Neve, being the detective she is, is investigating. “You can let BD go with you,” he tells Neve. “Just let me know if you see any signs of well, anything, who knows, maybe it could be sabotage.” Neve growls. “Sabotage?” She asks, her accent sharp. “I think not Kestis. It’s only a matter of time before it is even remotely sabotage. And besides, the Titanic is unsinkable, remember?” Cal nods, then places a friendly kiss on her cheek. “Very well, Neve.” He watches her leave before she gives him a look.