8Hi guys were the crew

pp abby
bg shayla

Names shayla Alison parker
umm im taken by zack im the girl in the background
I love long walks on the beach
im anerxioc
im a mom of Olivia and caitlin

hi Names Perrie Louise Edwards
im in a band called little mix
if you want to checkout our music sometime I hope you enjoy it
im single

hi Im Cali may howard
I am a only child
I live by my self
I have a dog named daisy

angela Namaria Taylor
single ☆ and crushing<3
im a werewolf like my sister nikki
anyways I hate shayla

vampire Harry Edward styles
im engaged nina @ParisAmbrose (Nina)
anyways I have friend's Shayla Nikki and zack also nina
hurt them I dare you I will slit your throat

hi im Jennifer Love Payne
im single and yes im liam paynes sister
I hate when people bully me or others
I have 2 friends Shayla and Abby
abby has this disease called diabetes im really scared for her

H H Hi my Names Abby Nivaeh Tomlinson
yes im louis Tomlinsons sister
I have 2 frinds shayla and Jennifer
anyways I have diabetes if you dont already know
my past is very bad all my life I got bullied and still get bullied

Nicole sky Hemmings is my name
i am secretly married to luke hemmings
-shows fake ring- haha anyways im friends with shayla
Hurt her i hurt you shes like my sister
this is me - https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t34.0-12/10858349_365912273581212_4854741830993332405_n.jpg?oh=3bf9bdcc1782bd6253c6bef42a10cba4&oe=54D00E5A&__gda__=1422895013_142aae2b71aa0107da8a208f03eccc27
  • JoinedJanuary 27, 2015

Last Message
-thosecrew-x -thosecrew-x Feb 10, 2015 01:34PM
is anyone on ? -all
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