erhm. what the fuc !!! passage of time??? :,)

@-totallydivine I HAVE MEGA PRIDE!! KOALA BRAINS ARE GOOD!!!!! Shsjadja it sounds like you're doing well then, I hope these men are treating you nicely hehe. That sounds like a good motto- "delulu is the solulu" Me too!! I'll take what I can get hehe

@umi-chu :pensive: at least..... but be proud ,,, KOALA BRAIN PRIDE !!!!! ashrthgrh HELP they're keeping me going amen :pray: delulu is the solulu whoot whoot!! I'm, glad for that hehe

@-totallydivine No no, it's okay, I've embraced the fact that I have a smooth koala brain, so I'm good!!!!!! :'0 Okay well at least you've got your crushes and extra delusions, I can support that one hundred percent haha. :'D It's hard for me to judge honestly lmao, but at the very least right now I'm in a happy neutral zone agsgah