
erhm. what the fuc !!! passage of time??? :,)


          	  I HAVE MEGA PRIDE!! KOALA BRAINS ARE GOOD!!!!! Shsjadja it sounds like you're doing well then, I hope these men are treating you nicely hehe. That sounds like a good motto- "delulu is the solulu"
          	  Me too!! I'll take what I can get hehe


@umi-chu :pensive: at least..... but be proud ,,, KOALA BRAIN PRIDE !!!!! ashrthgrh HELP they're keeping me going amen :pray: delulu is the solulu
          	  whoot whoot!! I'm, glad for that hehe


          	  No no, it's okay, I've embraced the fact that I have a smooth koala brain, so I'm good!!!!!! :'0 Okay well at least you've got your crushes and extra delusions, I can support that one hundred percent haha. :'D It's hard for me to judge honestly lmao, but at the very least right now I'm in a happy neutral zone agsgah


erhm. what the fuc !!! passage of time??? :,)


            I HAVE MEGA PRIDE!! KOALA BRAINS ARE GOOD!!!!! Shsjadja it sounds like you're doing well then, I hope these men are treating you nicely hehe. That sounds like a good motto- "delulu is the solulu"
            Me too!! I'll take what I can get hehe


@umi-chu :pensive: at least..... but be proud ,,, KOALA BRAIN PRIDE !!!!! ashrthgrh HELP they're keeping me going amen :pray: delulu is the solulu
            whoot whoot!! I'm, glad for that hehe


            No no, it's okay, I've embraced the fact that I have a smooth koala brain, so I'm good!!!!!! :'0 Okay well at least you've got your crushes and extra delusions, I can support that one hundred percent haha. :'D It's hard for me to judge honestly lmao, but at the very least right now I'm in a happy neutral zone agsgah


im not gonna bother announcing this bc??? im a flake with writing but
          i may *possibly* work on a new oc fic i am writing ehe. these are relatively new ocs and, well, only my friends who've read what i have so far know who they are. if i do end up publishing, hope you all enjoy!


2022 you better impress me. The bar for you is so low it’s a tripping hazard. Do better.


My standards for years so low it’d be easier to dig a hole under it than walk over it


@-totallydivine that made me laugh ngl


tbh after being inactive for so long and then only interacting with a small group of people here, every time I get an update from someone I follow I just go, "who is that???"


@-totallydivine I felt that on a spiritual level


@-totallydivine  Lmaooo, these poor people are being lied to and they don't even realise it, but at least it's being done with only the purest intentions
            Ssfghk you say that, but one day I might change everything on my profile and then you'll be just as confused as everyone else. I could never forget you either though, you're too kind and funny <3


            i just ask them to clarify a bit to try and jog my memory, and if it doesnt work i just go "OHHH THAT!! !yeah i remember!" then feel bad as they get excited lmaooo
            but you're so memorable???? i could never forget you even if you changed your pfp, bio, username, and display name??? never


dyklufkyk rAWRRR ;c


no — ;-;
            bUt i finished my exams ! :D
            andithinkiamstartingtolikesomeoneoninstabut gabgtjsgvfehtrh 


i lub u too -3-