Hello, I am a novice writer. I don't believe I will be posting often, as I like to write in phases and I don't like posting unfinished works. I hope that despite my on-and-off-again writing style, you enjoy my works.
  • Under The Water, Please Help Me
  • DołączyłDecember 16, 2020


Dzieła autorstwa Witch
Mortuum Et Vivum (Short Story) autorstwa 00Burning_Witch00
Mortuum Et Vivum (Short Story)
Excerpt- "Summer blearily blinked her eyes, wondering where she was and why it was so cold. When her eye...
Story of Alabaster Dementia Darkness autorstwa 00Burning_Witch00
Story of Alabaster Dementia Darkne...
Alabaster Dementia Darkness is a great character that you WILL LOVE she is NOT a self insert, NOT AT ALL. SHE...