Role-play Celebrity- Tinashe
My name is Selma. My Camp, or what you would call town, takes part in an annual event called the death games. It is supposedly a form of population control. My main worries are that my name gets put in more and more every year for the drawing at the Camp Ritual. I am scared for my little sister Dahlia. she is all I have left...nothing else. I am ugly I don't have to hide it. Oh and I'm 15. My sis is 7😕😡
Meh Instagram!!- tay.lor.han.sen
snapchat!!!- tayyllorrhansen
♀+♀=♡ GENDER
♂+♂=♡ DOESN'T
Active: ✅
^^i do always update my feed, so when I say I'm off I'm off, and when I say I'm on I'm one
  • انضمOctober 15, 2016

قصص بقلم Selma Seplin
The Death Games  بقلم 00Selma-Seplin00
The Death Games
This is a remake book of the hunger games. It tells the same story, but from a different perspective, and a...
Once upon a time rp بقلم 00Selma-Seplin00
Once upon a time rp
I love this show it's amazin soo...???