
So I've been MIA for a verrrry verrry long time. I've got a lot of reading to do. But that's ok I'm fine with it(its not like I go outside). Life has definitely gotten busier since the last time I've been on but still don't hesitate to leave links to your stories I'll try my best to get to them :)


Hey! I would love it if you could check out any three of my published books, none of which have a billion or even a thousand reads. I promise they are entertaining!! Please read them only if you want to and have the time and please criticize, complement, comment, and vote, whatever you want! If you got this message, please reply to it, a simple ok is enuff for me, thx!


So I've been MIA for a verrrry verrry long time. I've got a lot of reading to do. But that's ok I'm fine with it(its not like I go outside). Life has definitely gotten busier since the last time I've been on but still don't hesitate to leave links to your stories I'll try my best to get to them :)


Hi there, 
          Usually I am also mostly a reader. But some of my 'stupid' friends like my stories.  So, to save myself from getting murdered in my sleep, I wrote one of my love stories on wattpad.  Then I made some changes, and now that book is my pet, my baby. I want people to see it.
          I would love it if someone from this wide wide world would read it.
          So yeah, please check it out if you get time. I would love feedback on how to improve it it would mean the world.
          Thank you. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥


          I'm NerdGirlMe, and I've just written my first story, care to check it out? I only just uploaded it so there haven't been any reads yet. If you're busy, I completely understand. Or if you don't want to read it. That's ok. But it would mean a lot if you could.


Hello @0915Reader - 
          I can see that you're more of a reader than a writer, and I wonder if you might enjoy - and give me your thoughts, perhaps - on my fantasy, Slavedays. It's set in a contemporary Britain with a magically gifted aristocracy, where normal folk must perform ten years of servitude.
          (Apologies in advance if you hate getting messages like this!)
          Kind wishes,
          - J.