not me laughing that there's already a child of Julia and Malcolm
Reading Lists
Malcolm was laying down in his bunk, definitely not thinking about a certain someone...
not me laughing that there's already a child of Julia and Malcolm
Hey! Thank you so so much for following! I really appreciate it! If you wouldn’t mind, I would love it if you would check out my book ‘All I Have’ and let me know what you think! Hope you’re having a wonderful day and keeping safe, healthy and happy! - Maggie x
Malcolm was laying down in his bunk, definitely not thinking about a certain someone...
Julia peeped into the Athena cabin looking for something to steal.
Alix finds a boy drawing on the grass //the other one was a bit too crowded sooo//
@1-800-WISEBOYMALCOM "Oh! Umm... hi." she says, disappearing for a second as she jumps back
HEADCANNONS: 1. Whenever Malcom is nervous or flustered/embarrassed he'll take off his glasses and play with them 2. When Malcom first got his glasses he refused to wear them cause he didn't want people to tease him about how ' ridiculous ' he looked. \ 3. (this one is cannonish) Malcom was the first to realize that Annabeth and Percy had feelings for each other. 4. Whenever he needs advice he goes to Annabeth because he knows that she'll be sensible and give it to him straight (*Snorts*) 5. Malcom was secretly jealous when Annabeth got to go on quests and he didn't. 6. He's more awkward and caring than he likes to people to know. 7. He LOVES to draw. Especially interior designing.
Malcom was in the Athena cabin drawing designs for a few new cabins. He had closed the blinds and locked the door to make sure no one interrupted him.
@1-800-ROLEPLXY "Hey Livia can I have some help?" Malcom calls up to Livia.
@-SHYVXBES "I'm trying to make designs for the new cabins but i cant think of anything."
//Anyone want to rp? I have a starter below or yall can post one...Also let's play GUESS THAT ADMIN! No cheating by looking at the bio//
* debating whether to make a Sherman and ship em- *
Malcom was walking around camp with his head in a book. He wasn't watching where he was going as he bumped into a tree but despite that, he went around it and kept reading. In the process his glasses hell off his face but he didn't seem to notice.
@1-800-ROLEPLXY "What are you snickering at?" he looks up. Malcom has to squint to see Lydia.
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