Hey! GWinchester here! I'm gonna do the first half of this girl's About Me :3 She is an amazing, awesome, lovely person! 

➻ The best humor
➻ Sarcastic
➻ Loves anime :D which makes her the coolest person EVER! ♥

★ Don't mess with her, I'll *bleep* you up!
★ She is a star, hence the star picture ^_^ ★

Hey LWinchester heya! I is going to do the second half of dis girl"s About Me :) As GWinchester said, this girl is an amazing, awesome, lovely person.

☮ Loves cracking a joke
☮ Likes to write stories (You better read them and like them! Hehe)

✧ Mess with her and GWinchester and I might pay you a personal visit. ^-^
☼ She is a very happy and bright person, so if you need a little pick-me-up just talk to this girl. She lights up my life all the time.
LOVE YOU! <3333
  • Don'tworryaboutitville
  • InscritNovember 16, 2012


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