
Happy Groundhogs day!!


          thanks for the follow. do check my books out if you can. have a amazing day<3


P.S. love you pfp! You look amazing!<3


Heyy i just wanted yo sayy i love your profilee and u are so gorgeus whatt and your hair i - 


Noo problems :)


Tomorrow we will remember our fallen 
          Let us please say a prayer for all those lives that are lost and to their families.
          So in Honour of 9\11 I will explain what happened
          I'm Tuesday September 9 2001 in down town Manhattan a play hit the South tower ( one of the twin towers) and killed all the passengers on board a few minutes later another plane hit the North tower when people started to realize it was an attack then the South tower collapsed dust went everywhere and people were terrified a few minutes later the North tower fell after that another plane hit the Pentagon there was a 4th plane but it crashed in Pennsylvania... The people who attacked were known as Torriests and they got what came for them.
          Anyway let's just remember those who died 
          Have a good night