
Hello everyone!
          	So I've finished uploading the newly edited chapters of The Chronicles of Captain Carter, and am now redirecting my efforts towards Loki's Magical Friend...
          	HOWEVER! I am in need of some feedback before I do so...
          	I've been re-reading my work, and let's keep in mind, I was 13 when I started, bored out of my brain in the middle of lockdown and with a very big obsession of Harry Potter and the MCU. To say that my writing style has developed and grown would be an understatement. This has ultimately led me to feel rather unsatisfied & confused (bc guess who DIDN'T have a plan laid out? Moi!) as to the direction that this fic was heading. I didn't really take into account the age of the characters before trying to make them into a couple etc and the whole thing makes me vaguely unnerved - among other bits that just rub me the wrong way.
          	My current intentions are to rewrite and edit the fic, keeping the main storyline but making the relationship between Loki and Hermione more platonic soulmates/ brother-sister kinda vibes rather than an actual romantic relationship - apart from the fact I ADORE writing this kinda stuff bc we get some good ol angst and inner monologues, but it also gives me a bit more to work with. I also don't want to go to this effort (it's over 42,000 words as it currently stands on my google doc) if people are happy with it as it is.
          	On that note, THANK YOU SO MUCH for all the reads!? I never thought 10 people would read this fic, let alone 15.2K?! That's just unreal to me and I'm so grateful to everyone who's clicked on this lil old fic of mine - I love you all!
          	LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU'D LIKE TO HAPPEN! - I'll be closing the 'votes' on the 1st of April 2025, which from posting this tonight/today?, is just over a week or so - so don't dillydally!
          	- A very tired and grateful 18idupee x


Hello everyone!
          So I've finished uploading the newly edited chapters of The Chronicles of Captain Carter, and am now redirecting my efforts towards Loki's Magical Friend...
          HOWEVER! I am in need of some feedback before I do so...
          I've been re-reading my work, and let's keep in mind, I was 13 when I started, bored out of my brain in the middle of lockdown and with a very big obsession of Harry Potter and the MCU. To say that my writing style has developed and grown would be an understatement. This has ultimately led me to feel rather unsatisfied & confused (bc guess who DIDN'T have a plan laid out? Moi!) as to the direction that this fic was heading. I didn't really take into account the age of the characters before trying to make them into a couple etc and the whole thing makes me vaguely unnerved - among other bits that just rub me the wrong way.
          My current intentions are to rewrite and edit the fic, keeping the main storyline but making the relationship between Loki and Hermione more platonic soulmates/ brother-sister kinda vibes rather than an actual romantic relationship - apart from the fact I ADORE writing this kinda stuff bc we get some good ol angst and inner monologues, but it also gives me a bit more to work with. I also don't want to go to this effort (it's over 42,000 words as it currently stands on my google doc) if people are happy with it as it is.
          On that note, THANK YOU SO MUCH for all the reads!? I never thought 10 people would read this fic, let alone 15.2K?! That's just unreal to me and I'm so grateful to everyone who's clicked on this lil old fic of mine - I love you all!
          LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU'D LIKE TO HAPPEN! - I'll be closing the 'votes' on the 1st of April 2025, which from posting this tonight/today?, is just over a week or so - so don't dillydally!
          - A very tired and grateful 18idupee x


Hello everyone! Hope y'all are doing well :)
          I've decided to completely ignore the looming mock exams and turn to my large stack of unfinished fanfics - procrastination for the win! 
          This means I'm looking at Loki's Magical Friend and The Chronicles of Captain Carter in particular - editing, rewriting, whatever needs to be done!
          This, my dear readers is where you come in!
          I'm not totally convinced whether I should change Hermione as the protagonist to L'sMF, or whether I make it more of a slow burn, or even making Pietro a potential contender as a love interest - and I would LOVE to hear what you have to say on the subject! Please don't be shy, I write these fics for myself, but also for you guys, and so if there's anything you want to see, now is the time to say so! 
          Thanks, and love y'all 3000!
          - A Very Exam-Stressed 18idupee


Thank you for the votes on my stories <3


@18idupee Well, you just fixed my day with this comment, so thank you❤️ I hope that you'll continue to enjoy the story.


@abst0ries it is my ABSOLUTE PLEASURE I've been binging them all day and I am literally obsessed with Astraea and Arthur - her references and comments legit make my jaw hurt from laughter! Thank you soo much for blessing my life with this, it came at a much needed time ❤️


Hello everyone! I'm so sorry I haven't been active lately - I've literally just finished my final show in my school production of Annie and cannot feel my feet so  - on top of that, I'm currently applying for Uni and taking more of a focus towards revising for A-Levels so it may be some time before any immediate updates! 
          Thank you so much for the love and patience, I appreciate every single one of you, and hopefully we'll see an update or two in the near future :)
          A very exhausted but (still) dramatic 18idupee


Hey y'all!
          I am ALIVE! Sorry for the lack of activity and updates - life's been quite busy to say the least - but NEVER FEAR!
          It is now the summer holidays which meeeeeans more time to write and update, as well as some new stories in the wings ready to make their debuts!
          I'll be updating The Chronicles of Captain Carter first and we'll go from there!
          Happy reading!
          - A newly-released 18idupee


          I'm feeling really ill at the moment - a cough has taken root in ma lungs and is reluctant to vacate the premises, which means staying off school tomorrow and potentially a new chapter for both The Chronicles of Captain Carter and Loki's Magical Friend (which I may or may not have forgotten was a thing lol - pls don't kill me :D)
          Hope y'all keeping well and warm in this sunny March,
          A tired and ill (but surprising competant during my driving lesson) 18idupee