
Hi, Charlotte, I hope u see this.
          I am sorry, I shouldn't have joked around about something like that, nethertheless should I have Expected u to not believe it, just letting u know that I never did cheat on u and I never would have.
          U r the most important person to me, even still, after you don't want to even tolerate the fact I excist
          You mean the world to me, unlike u I don't regret a single second I spent talking to u, whereas I do regret all the time I spent not talking to u.
          I never knew u were one to listen to the girl throwing abuse
          I just want to say I love you and bye, I will be gone soon and u will never have to worry about mW ruining ur life again
          I am sorry, I never meant to hurt you


@190foxgirl ik that jo has properly spoken to u, and don't believe some of what she says, ffs my mum use to have to pay for her familys shopping and she is just jealous because her ex boyfriend chosse mins and his friwndship over their relationship, where she was bullying me through it may i add ( a few threats here and there, a silencing when needed, and when i wenr to report her it all got flipped on me, but jos to innocent to bully right ,  WRONG, and thanks to her and maisie i fear i have outlived me stay and may need to shorten whatever time i should have left). Bye, stop believing people u ask them if its true,  if she says anything about me while i'm alive tell me so i can clarify the truth or the lie for u