

                                          SAD NIALL FANFICTION
                                                           PART 3 OF 3
          His eyes open and fill with relief and sorrow. “I love you too. And I always will I'm so sorry for taking you into those woods and not believing you when you said that someone was following us.” “It's not you fault it could've happened to anyone and I didn't see anyone.” I am crying when I hear a flat line on his heart monitor. I call the boys in who imeditaly start crying at the death of their brother. A day later I go home and stay there for a week with the boys bringing me anything I want. 


                                       SAD NIALL FANFICTION
                                                        PART 2 OF 3
                                                   *Back To The Present*
               We are pretty far ahead of the guy when I fall. I get right back up but now he is closer to us. We run into this field and there's no where to go. This field has really tall fences all around it even if we try to climb them he will catch us so we try to hide in a bush. It seems like its working because he has yet to get is. “I can't see him. Can you?” I whisper to him. “No. Let's try to get out of here.” We quietly get out of the bush and into the woods. Everything is going good until we both trip over a wire. Before we can get up the man is above us. Next thing I know all I can see is darkness. I wake up in a hospital bed with Zayn, Liam, Harry and Louis sitting next to my bed. “What happened?” I ask. “You and Niall were hiking in the woods when a guy hit you in the head. You have head trauma.” Liam says. “Where's Niall? Is he ok?” I ask. “Umm...the nurse says that you are ok and that you will get to go home tomorrow.” Louis says when a tear falls down his face. “Somebody tell me what happened to Niall. I know it's not good because Louis is crying.” I say angrily. “Umm... How about we just show you.” Harry says. I get wheeled into the room where Niall is. He is hooked up to a lot of wires. “The doctor said that he's in a coma and that even if he does wake up he won't last very long.” Liam says with tears running down his face. They boys walk out to leave me alone with Niall. “I love you Niall and no matter what happens and I always will. There will always be a part in my heart for a cute, funny, Irish guy and I filled that spot with you.” 


                                         SAD NIALL FANFICTION
                                                          PART 1 OF 2
             While we were running for our life Itry to remember how the day started.      
                                                *Earlier That Day*
               I can only imagine what my date will be like. My life is amazing I have a perfect life the perfect family and a perfect boyfriend. I'm so excited all he told me was to dress down which I was going to anyway. So I wear a tapout shirt and some jean shorts with my hair in a ponytail. I hear a knock at the door and I know it's him. “So what are we gonna do today?” I ask him. “Just follow me.” We pull up in front of a mountain with a trail. “Try to guess what we are going to do today.” he says “Let me guess, we are going on a hike.” We both laugh. “I just love that adorable laugh.” he says which makes me blush. “Well let's get going.” I say as I get out. We are pretty far up the trail when I feel like we are being followed. I keep turning around to see if I can see anyone but I don't. “What's wrong?” he asks. “I feel like we are being followed.” I tell him. “I do too. Let's just ignore it.” “Ok” I say. I still feel like somebody is following us after a while. When I turn around I finally see the person. It's a tall guy with dark hair dressed all in black. I scream. “Run Niall don't question just run.”