PLEASE PLEASE READ: okay we can all agree I almost never go on here anymore. I think I'm going to take a long break from this app because its getting kinda boring in my opinion... I might make this account for my ninjago writing only and then create a new one for my other stuff that isn't ninjago. I just kind of want to try a new start on a new account. also sorry but I may not reveal my new account, just for the fresh start thing. I have no idea when I'll use this account again, but for now I want to say thank you to some people: First, the people who frequently replied to my update posts. I think you know who you are :). that really helps a lot to here people's feedback with things. thank you all so much! second, all those people who had commented on my stories. your comments really inspired me at times. some so much that i published three more parts of ninjago high for them. I had a few really inspiring comments on my oneshots story as well, it was so great to hear you all enjoyed the stories you requested for me to write! third, everyone who has been so kind to me while I was here. all the great comments and replies on other stories I've read. they've all made my experience on here really fun! last but definetly not least. I want to thank one specific person: @nanT-ana5 . they were my first ever follower and I'll never forget that. the feeling when I first started and seeing that follower notification for the first time was awesome! thank you so so much :) like I said, I don't know when I'll be on this account again and if I am, it'll probably be for small things. im sorry for all the times I was telling everyone I was going to release stories when I didn't as well. I hope you are all doing awesome. you are all amazing people bye! don't ever think any different! bye for now :)