~ QUAK QUEK QUACK QUA- ~ (im so good at titles i swear) Blubity winced as he lightly touched his injured wing, inhaling sharply at the pain. He'd been flying around, as one does when you have wings, but then his course was derailed by some of his chat ducks, and he managed to crash into the ground. He was seriously injured, unable to easily walk or fly without pain, and he very much was bleeding. "Ah... right..." He muttered quietly to himself.

@2MANYMEMORIES "I can get up by myself," Blubity said, once again pushing Jacob's hand away. He attempted to do exactly that, and it didn't work out very well. It also hurt quite a bit, which was enough to make him stop. "... nevermind. I can just stay here for a minute. I'll figure something out. you can go."

@-SeriousDuckMan - (LMFAOO) "Wh- that's not what I- whatever.. anyway, you clearly don't got it, Blub. it looks like you've injured your legs pretty badly. C'mon, at least let me help you stand up." Jacobs shakes his head, earrings jingling as he attempted to grab Blubity's arm again.

@2MANYMEMORIES { the mental image of jacob seeing blub fall through the window was just so meme-y } "You don't need to help, I've got it," Blubity said, pushing Jacob's hand away. He clearly didn't have it, but he was stubborn enough to say he did. Usually that was Jacob's job, being stubborn, but Blubity could be that way too when he wanted to be. "And I'm aware how I look."