
Any of you still here lol? Thinking of making a return and fixing some of my awful grammar and spelling errors on my previous works


@2Random4You I'm still lurking around occasionally to see if you update or polish anything :) 


Uhhh hello(? Look I don't know you and you don't know me but I am just a fan and reader of Damian's Revolution (Even though zoophobia is on hiatus)
          Almost sure you will not read this message anyways because you are busy, but I wanted to "Formally" thank you. That story helped me a lot with some problems I had and it would be fantastic if any updates appear there (I'm trying not to pressure lol)
          So,,, Er,,, I dunno maybe you are tired and done with it but if not, ehm,,, I would like to help(¿¿ In anything I can like ideas or whatever. I would like to keep that book going in any possible way.
          Sorry if I am disturbing or making you feel uncomfortable, it's not intentional.
          Hope you are okay and not freaked out because of me, cause your stories are funny and original and I consider you a great content creator.
          --Sincerely, just another random writer and casual fan I guess.


@TheUselessLizard Thanks for reaching out and commenting. And thank you for the nice things you said about my story, I'm glad it helped you. 
            I do owe an explanation for the very large delay. I made a large mistake about the last time I published a chapter of starting to read a very, very large almost 1 million word story on this site. In the time I would be normally writing, I'd be reading this instead. Then, months after starting the book I finished it, and then moved on to another very long 750k word story. Which I recently finished a few weeks ago. 
            There is a few reasons I havn't updated since finishing that. Right now I'm in the middle of senior year so I have to go do a bunch of college stuff and all that not so fun time consuming work. As well as an actual job so I can afford things.
            I also want to make these chapters longer... Much longer, at least 10k words per chapter/part. 
            Another reason is, unfortunately I've moved onto another favorite topic to write and read about, Pokemon. However unlike with fnaf, I still love Zoophobia and I plan to finish the story eventually. Hopefully I will update before the end of the year.
            As for ideas, I'm completely open to them! I already have a pretty set out plan for the storyline but, if I like an idea or if it's a fun addition it would be great! So send a DM if you have any ideas.
            Thanks for stopping by and leaving this comment! I really do appreciate it


I am still alive


@2Random4You I like how as soon as I announce I'm back school hit me with the, you have 4 projects due on Friday. Anyways I'll get to writing tomorrow hopefully


HELLO!!! I've noticed you haven't updated in a while. Are you ok?


@2Random4You Yea I know how you feel. The pain of homework. Anyway there's no rush I was just curious on how you were so looking forward to the new chapter and I will see you then. UwU


@B00PLE I'm all good. I've just been doing a ton of work/homework and have been too busy recently. And whenever I get on this app I get distracted by other great stories. Spring break is coming tho, so as work starts winding down, I'll write more


Hello everyone, just want to let you know I will be updating regularly again in around a week and a half. These past few weeks have been the end of my semester and next week is exam week. Sorry for the inconvenience. 


@2Random4You Don't worry there is no rush and I am pretty sure we can all wait.


@B00PLE Hey thanks for enduring the wait times. The Life of Jack story might not come for awhile, until I finish at least one of my stories, either Life of Damian or Damians revolution, or my pokemon story I'm making as I can hardly keep up with two stories as it is. But I'm still planning the story out and preparing to write it eventually. Stay tuned :)


@2Random4You YAY. I'm so happy that your going to be posting again as I love your stories. BTW I noticed on your life of damian story (My favorite story that you have made) that you were thinking of making a life of jack story and I just want to say that I think that is a great idea for a story as there are hardly any story's about jack and I think there is a lot you could do with jacks character. PS jack is my favorite character so I would love that story even more than usual.