
Happy New Years everyone!! I know that for some of y’all this year was hard. I hope this year is the best one for all of y’all! Talk to y’all next year ;)


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Omg my dumb ass just missed my school practice at like 6 (it is 7:30 rn) because I wanted to sleep I then decided the best idea is to tell my couch that I was “not feeling well” to try not to get in trouble for missing practice 


@Luisa-Rose I did! I am very thankful because that was so stressful… 


Omg no way did you manage to get away with it or not xxx


@Roisa_Forever1 it’s worse when you go to school and they tell you that you were up late because they can see when you turn stuff In…


Ugh I just spent all day traveling to texas…. Finally made it tho!! 
          Although the only reason we are coming is because my grandpa passed so that’s fun


@calzonaa-capmirez definantly. It does hurt for a while but when your able to become strong enough to move past it. That's when it's easier if you know what I mean xxx


@Luisa-Rose thank you, yeah it definitely is but it’s get better 


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Sooooo my parents are awful I can no longer use my phone if I want to read or play a game of basically I can't use it unless I am texting... Like bruh wth I already got social media taken and now you are quite literally telling me not to read??? My brain physically cannot handle them anymore... Also they didnt care I was using an electronic to read they cared about screen time so they are having me use my old tablet to read instead like you dumb bitch the screen time is just switching depending on the device I use if you added it all up it would still be the exact same amount of time
          Anyways... How is everyone??


@local_gay_psycho you are a good person too! 


So instead of my aunt/ mom talking to me she decided it's best to email me when she needs me... Like not even a text or call an email... Apparently we don't need to speak to each other anymore great...