(Ps:previously known as 1219saf )

Hello, Asalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu

I actually don't know what to write over here I've changed this like hundred times and then be like" just leave it Wtever idc " and Istg the rest written over here has been changed more than hundred times I'd say, I'm a very lazy and awkward person so yeah and oHH how could I forget very boring at first. 😝🙈🙉🙊

An avid reader after finding wattpad, foodie, ambivert , socially awkward , I'm a person who loves silence more than unwanted drama , a desi girl, a nyctophile ,a pluviophile , and a chionophile.

If you are reading this and you have no idea wt the last three words mean don't worry google is there 😁😜but I'm bored right now so I'll just tell it to you ,

A person who loves night, darkness.

A person who loves rain.

A person who loves snow and cold weathers.

That's all and....

If u feel u need somebody to be all ears to u then feel free to dm me , though I'm not very good at conversations I'd try my best to help you out ,even request for ur stories will be most welcomed, Thank you and have a wonderful day ahead!
  • lost in the city of chocolates
  • JoinedJanuary 24, 2020

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2choco_saf_late1 2choco_saf_late1 Jan 17, 2021 06:12PM
Hello and Assalamualaikum beautiful people :) ♥, This is my first time writing on my pm 0_o ,I just came here to inform everyone that I'm gonna be offline for most of the time as I have my preboard...
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