i've gotten back into wriing more so hopefully even thought I keep saying this ,, I will published a new chapter for almost every single book i have . ive been working a lot on my Ddot book and im writing the first chapter for my newest book while also tryna publish some chapters for my older books or books i have up that have no actual chapters to them yet. ik i haven't been updating yall as much but I promise I am working my ass off to publish these chapters while also battling school nd my home life mixed in with my having to do my Hawaiian dance classes as well. Ima try and be more active up here so i can at least update you guys with whats going on with the books but i've js been a lil slow rn .. but i promise nd ik i keep promising stuff but nun's happening ,, but i promise i am really gonna try to get most chapters done this week so i can publish something before i go on break in a week or 2 ,, then ill try nd update then too .. but for rn lets pray nd hope that i actually get some chapters out ,, don't matter how bad or good i js wanna publish something you guys are gonna like. Also my acct has been very slow nd yall barely liking nd shi on my books ,, so umm if yu want id appreciate if yall could show sum luvv on my books bc it makes me believe you guys actually read them .. but yea thats it love yall !