Heya. 🙂

I'm Alsie. I'm a crazy lil nineteen year old living in New Zealand.

I'm just another girl that gets lost in her thoughts too often, and then they always feel the need to escape. So guess where they go? Into poetry.

Feel free to message me if you wanna get to know me more, I'd love to chatter with some fellow poets. ❤️

I've always had a bit of a writer in me since the beginning, but lately it's built up way more than ever before. I use poetry to understand myself, explore everything around me, and of course, to let out my emotions. My main purpose is to make people feel or think when they read my poetry, so hopefully that works out. 🙃

{ i have a love for the vulnerable, intimate & soft feel of lower case, so don't mind me as i use that 100% through my poetry. }

I'm a lover of the dark and mysterious, artsy symbolism and anything cheeky. Also low key a grunge wannabe because I appreciate grunge and its aesthetics so much. 🙄

I study Conservation/Environmental Science at NorthTec. I also adore music, such as Paramore, Bastille, Fall out Boy, Lorde, dodie, the 1975, the Neighbourhood and much more.

That's probably about it in terms of me! See you around! 😜
  • new zealand
  • InscritOctober 18, 2013

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2theocean 2theocean Oct 22, 2017 11:55PM
Hello my lovely followers! I'm back again after my year and a bit hiatus or whatever you want to call it. I'll be writing poetry again, so I've started a new collection, based upon life, realities a...
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