Thank you for fanning.
I was wondering if you could check out my stories. I have a few.
We All Have Secrets:
Which is about Tessa Avey a girl who get's sexually abused by her step-father. (Not a true story). And the inspiration for it is, I was physically abused by my real father who isn't in my life anymore.
Fire Princess:
Which shall be in the future about these teens who get taken in by Scientist and get's tested on as subjects and turn into immortal beings and magical beings... So far I've only written the excerpt but I'd love feedback on it.
My newest story is "Scarlet":
Scarlet will be back in like middle ages (not really), but it's like a completely different world because well... It'll be a fantasy story as well. All I've written is the excerpt, but I want feedback to know if I should continue writing it or not. (Because I'm doubting my writing skills and that it's any good).
Thank you.
(Yes, this is a sent-to-all-fans-boards-post. Sorry! I'll read your stories if you want me to, just comment back on my profile. But I went to all your profiles personally and posted it... I dont' want to be rude, sorry. D:).