Howdy! Do people even say howdy? It's such a strange greeting, it's like, hello folks I'm from the south! Whatever... I'm Brooke and my best friend Savanna made me create this account. You can typically find me wasting my entire life on the trash website of tumblr so I'm probably not really gonna post anything on here... Unless it's a comment!!! And that's all you really need to know, I guess, other than my horrible and shameful fangirl status. My location is below if you wanna fight me. I can be reached at or .
  • Amesbury, Massachuesetts, USA
  • انضمDecember 1, 2015


قصص بقلم 3yobitc
Mabel's Scrapbook بقلم 3yobitc
Mabel's Scrapbook
A short rewrite of the scene between Mabel and Stan during Dipper and Mabel Versus The Future. The scene wil...
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Your Immortal بقلم 3yobitc
Your Immortal
An Undertale Fanfic. focuses mainly around Frisk. This is based on the best fanfiction in the world My Immor...