Sept. 19, 2021 Hello again to anyone still out there. My contract with Dreame ended and I am not renewing it, so the full story of Dominating Alphas will be here until the end of time I guess. Moving this story back here messed up a lot of the story's structure (many things aren't italicized or bolded when they should be, there are random breaks in the middle of a paragraph/sentence/word, etc...) and I do not care about this enough to go back and nitpick everything lol. Also PSA: I wrote the majority of this from the age of 13-14. There will be a LOT of grammar and spelling mistakes. I had no idea what I was doing or why it got this much attention, but thank you to everyone who supported me along the way. It meant the world to me back then and still means the world to me right now. Enjoy. <3 4everAloneAnAwkward

@4everAloneAnAwkward so glad I found it! I loved it on dreame and went to re-download it and saw it was deleted. I was so upset but happy I found it here!

@4everAloneAnAwkward hi there I actually read this book on Dreame and I fell in love with it, I was getting ready to re-read it but said it's deleted I am happy however to see that it's over here so thank you for the entertainment.