"When I go, 
Into the ground.
I won't go quietly,
I'm bringing my crown.

When I go,
Into that ground.
You better bury me,
βµя¥ ʍ€ ƒąȼ€ ď๏ώɲ."
  • "bury me shallow, I'll be back"
  • Se ha unidoJanuary 28, 2018

Último mensaje
4ppr04chingSh4d0w5 4ppr04chingSh4d0w5 Sep 30, 2018 05:17PM
The first member was poisoned.She was the only one who listened.The second, third, fourth, and fifth is still here.I will hold them dear. The fifth was broken. Not by the world, but what the worl...
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Historias de LivingCorpse
Terrible Solitude de 4ppr04chingSh4d0w5
Terrible Solitude
Nothing else to say
I Am One of Them de 4ppr04chingSh4d0w5
I Am One of Them
AES encryption Caesar cipher Journal entries https://youtu.be/DaKY1ixMrc8
A Mors Draconis de 4ppr04chingSh4d0w5
A Mors Draconis
This, I guess, is a sequel. Disclaimer: Do not read this if you are naive, young, innocent, or depressed. Thi...
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