
I like how I posted that and then didn't post yesterday... I posted it today though! I need to put a reminder in my phone or something XD Gotta update them stories! Cheers!


Sorry for being dead ya'll XD I'm back though! Expect another chapter of One Love this Sunday! I know I currently have two other stories to finish but I have been on a serious LevYaku high as of recent times sooo... Those other stories are just gonna have to be patient! Cheers!


Alright peeps! New story ideas coming your way! Currently I have over 20 ideas for stories and 5 chapters written that have yet to be published. Do you guys want me to start posting one of those new stories, begin writing one of my other ideas, or write another chapter for one of my current stories? If you have any questions about the details of any of these stories please do ask! I have been having major commitment issues with my stories recently and so that's why I'm asking for a little help with where I should put my focus. I really wanna give you guys what you want soooooo yaaaaaa. Cheers!


@Chicathechicken_12 New story coming your way! From now on I will try to post a new chapter once a week on Sunday's so today is just a freebee :b I'll post another one this Sunday :D and yes! Let's be friends!


@6Kiribaku9 and could you tell me about yourself? I would like to get to know you better :)


So just updated The Rangers but was wondering what you guys want next? I currently have two stories with parts already updated so I could do another chapter for one of those or do you want one of the new stories I've been cooking up? So I could either update The Rangers, Twisted Reality, One Love which is a LevYaku story, When the glue comes undone, and An Omega which are both KiriBaku stories. Just let me know and I will try my best to get it done quickly!


I can also make another One shot for Seven Minutes if you want as well