I be working.
'-' sometimes 7 days a week. Some days ingett my two days off. I be waking up at 4 am.
I be tired when I get home. •^• when is the next holiday?? I don't know.. maybe I'll be working holiday..
|°•°\ when are the chapters gonna be published??
I don't know \¥^¥ I can't have my phone during my job hours ..
I found out.
I like overworking and money..
I get my free day with my boyfriend ;-; I spend day with boyfriend.. I spend free day with my Mama. I love my mama..
I need to do an update..
;-; more blizzards from DQ.
DQ stopped making chocolates covered cherry Blizzard
^°^ butter butter Blizzard comes out
;-; no longer it was limited edition
;-; suffer...
Hello I love your dark souls stories! I made an account just to read it. I do hope to see more of your stories! You have such a way of writing, very dark and squirmish...
@Human_Error_94 OHH MY GOD THANK YOU !!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ THANK YOUU!! Feel free to also read Tyrants Reign. While I work on the next chapters!! THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!