Yes, The Huntress is on hold! Unfortunately, I've had major writer's block with it and haven't had time, as of late, to finish the next chapter. When I'm done with the next Lovely chapter, I'll definitely work on it! :)
Honestly, it's on hold because it hasn't gotten much attention and I don't know where to go with it.
But I WILL try to get it updated!
@Chrissy425 possibly. I'm not sure right now. I did some writing for it a while ago, but there hasn't been much interest as of late both on my part as well as readers. so possibly! I'll try.
Yes, The Huntress is on hold! Unfortunately, I've had major writer's block with it and haven't had time, as of late, to finish the next chapter. When I'm done with the next Lovely chapter, I'll definitely work on it! :)
Honestly, it's on hold because it hasn't gotten much attention and I don't know where to go with it.
But I WILL try to get it updated!
@koreankittykait I first heard Chelsea a few years ago and it was constantly stuck in my head. Then when I went to an ATL concert in November and heard they were playing, I started listening to their music and realized it was them!
What do you think of their new one, Legendary?
Hey, guys! Escape is off hold, Surviving Sixteen is on hold (name change as well), Lovely is sort-of-on-hold, and that sort of thing.
Let me know what you think of Escape, as I'm updating it again soon. :)
My plan is to update every story that is not on hold before NaNoWriMo. So, if your favorite isn't updated in the next... two (?) weeks, let me know! :)