Helloo! Nice to meet you I'm Allyster! This is just where I go to cope with life in general. I enjoy writing stories and fanfictions! But I also write original stories. They're not that good though because great, I'm not that bloody inspired. Concerning typos, I am SO SORRY. I can spell, but I type very fast, resulting in my constant, faulty typos.
The Maze Runner
Harry Potter
Helluva Boss
Hazbin Hotel
#MalfoySquad #SangsterGangster #StrawberryDeerBoi #Radiodemon #Youwillbeokay #insideofeverydemonisalostcause #HusksBooze #Angeldustandcherri
~ 👏 Stay.👏 Bloody.👏 Brilliant 👏
-You think you can bribe me with a wink and some cheap booze?!
...Well you can!
*Proceeds to chug le C H E A P B O O Z E*
- Liyue Harbor
- Připojen/aOctober 16, 2020
Zaregistrujte se a připojte se k největší komunitě pro vyprávění příběhů

Welp, I posted a fanfiction. Yeah yeah, its cringey I get it, but everyone starts somewhere. Also my friend just spammed me until I posted it. -<-Zobrazit všechny konverzace
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