#horrormovies #horrorstories #anime #otaku #laugh #laugh #laugh #laughx9999999999 #alwayssmile

I'm an otaku, and I'm proud!

Don't stop until you're proud!

Don't regret you're past. It's what made you who you are today!

Expect nothing and you will never be dissapointed!

Winners never quit, quitters never win!

School is tough, but so are you!

I can accept failure. Everyone fails at something. But I can't accept not trying!

It doesn't matter how slowly you go as long as you don't stop!

Do it for the people who want to see you fail!

People who never made mistakes, never tried something new!
  • JoinedJanuary 31, 2017

Story by Pipilolo_
FACEPALM (swedish)  by ACakeFromPlanetMars
FACEPALM (swedish)
Okej, jag ska bara berätta lite om vad denna bok handlar om. Jo, jag tänkte så här, jag är... otursförföljd...
ranking #12 in mittliv See all rankings
21 Reading Lists
