"i hate the way you talk to me
and the way you cut your hair.
i hate the way you drive my car
i hate it when you stare.
i hate your big dumb combat boots and the way you read my mind.
i hate you so much that it makes me sick, it even makes me rhyme.
i hate the way that you are always right
i hate it when you lie.
i hate it when you make me laugh, even worse when you make me cry.
i hate that you're not around
and the fact that you didn't call.
but mostly i hate that i don't hate you... not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all." ~a magicl mermaid / unicorn / fairy princess / tiger ✨
  • EntrouJuly 8, 2015

Histórias de maimai
the moment she met him... it all started to change 1D fanfiction
החורף ההוא, de ASHLEY_IRWIN8
החורף ההוא
אף פעם לא האמנתי באגדות. שנאתי לראות את סרטי הנסיכות של דיסני כי הכל תמיד נגמר באהבת אמת. גורם לנערות מסכנות...
my blog i guess?, de ASHLEY_IRWIN8
my blog i guess?
im just gonna share my thoughts and problems, you are more then welcome to read :)
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