@DawnStarling hey ! (: okay cool I'm gonna check it out now.. 


Hey @AShhXIEYY ! Thank you so much for voting on my book “Lyra”. I hope you enjoyed it and know much I appreciate it. ❤


Hey!! And no problem ☺️.. this is definitely one of my favorite werewolf books.. so it wasn't hard to vote !! Love love love .. can't wait for the next update.. and I hope you continue to write and push to do what you love and believe in.. life sometimes throws you curves but as long as you continue believe in yourself and go after what you love it'll be worthwhile ❤️.. 


Hi! Thanks for adding "Never Truly Forgotten" to one of your reading lists!
          Hope you like it so far and if you do, feel free to vote on chapters and comment your thoughts because I'd love to hear what you think of it :)
          Thanks again and have a nice day! Xx


Hey there! Do you mind checking out my story Skinny Love? I'd really appreciate it ♡ 


@AShhXIEYY thank you so much :) I appreciate it


Yeah I'll check it out as soon as I can (: .. I normally read stories while I have no internet so I'll only be able to vote on the chapters.. But I'll comment on the last updated chapter and tell you what I think ! <3 .. 