
Hey everyone ^^ I've released a new story and it's chapter one is out but the rest will still take a while before i post the rest cuz i need to write of course but as well as go through them with a fine comb.


Hey everyone. I've deleted my first story because i believe it wasn't as good as it could be so I'll be rewriting it at a later date when i'm more skilled but i will still keep writing, starting tomorrow I'll be writing shorter stories then what I have, but in any way. I just want to say thanks to the 65 who gave their time to read my first story and a special  thx to the two who ratted it and a great full thx to the 15 who are following me at the moment. ^~^


I'll be writing a new part later today although i did not intend to have the previous ons go over a thousand words but i believe it turned out well. All be it a bit of a touchy subject but I've had the idea for that scene for a while and didn't want to go with the usual crappy way of getting said dark past so i went with what i wrote last night. But do leave comments on it so that i can make improvements




@ILoveMyObsessions I've begun that short story that I mentioned a while back