
For all those wondering where I went, I lost access to the laptop I write on, so writing is at a halt sadly. ☹️


Chapter three is FINALLY coming along, we’ll see if I can get the final draft out by tomorrow ❤️ (also; let me know if you guys (my solid two readers) want extra content, like interviews with Lia present day, since I’m sort of writing it like she’s retelling it. So she would talk about her relationship with Steve and why she tells his character the way she does, or her thoughts on other elements of her story) 


I totally went back on my promise, if I say it's coming at one day don't expect anything in the future, i write like a sloth and will be behind schedule.


Edits were made to chapter one (Wood Shavings and Fists) make sure to go back and read it. I added another scene and some clarifications that will help with understanding the story, as well as additions to better original scenes. Hope ya'll enjoy!!