
Thank you for voting on my story!!


Awhh! Thank you so much!


@thats_pretty_odd You're welcome! You are such a good author.


          Happy llama
          Sad llama
          Mentally disturbed llama
          Super llama
          Drama llama
          Big, fat momma llama
          Yes I am that llama
          That llama you despise
          With those big a$$ eyes
          And delicious thighs~
          Back to the basics 
          I'm that biitch on base
          That doesn't even fuckin' care
          What you have to fuckn' say
          Happy llama
          Sad llama
          Mentally disturbed llama
          Super llama
          Drama llama
          Big, fat momma llama
          Hold up, wait a minute!
          Shiny, shiny
          Lookin' like a diamond diamond...
          If you don't know where that from
          I'm surprised and offended


OK love, I think you're a demigirl, are used to identify myself as to me girl but I realized it wasn't but it seems to fit you very well and your pronouns would be most easiest if you went with Ze and Zir.


@1Voldemort2luv Do you see an option that says at the very bottom of the screen if you scroll down view full site if so click that and you should see a notification


Are you androgynous? I am, so if you're having trouble with the whole pronouns thing you can talk to me about it. The LGBT community sticks up for me one another, well at least I do.


@Maeven1739 wellllll since ive been a girl for all my life life, id say a girl... But sometimes i just with i weren't...


I read one of your comments on mistakes and reasons (Drarry) that you were abused and I'm sorry to hear that I thought it might help if you have somebody to talk to. I'm there if you ever need to talk just message me on my profile I'm usually always on wattpad. Even if I'm not there please talk to somebody about it if you are still being abused because I have been there and it's not a good place to be. So if you need help try to message me if I don't pick up just trust that I will be there soon because I can't see people hurt like that especially when I don't even fully see it but please tell somebody you trust and if you have nobody tell somebody that has no reason to harm you