Is it weird…?
That the dark scares me… yet I live most of my life in it.
Insanity creeps me out… and yet I'm insane… meaning I can give myself the chills.
Heights are terrifying… but I love climbing.
Heck even things like bikes scare me but it's not like I can't or don't ride one.
So yes I think I am weird!! XP
@A_nEkOs_InSaNiTy and @sillylittleneko i need to talk to u guys. its really serious. u guys r my bffs and im only ganna tell u so plz text me when u come bk.
Is it weird…?
That the dark scares me… yet I live most of my life in it.
Insanity creeps me out… and yet I'm insane… meaning I can give myself the chills.
Heights are terrifying… but I love climbing.
Heck even things like bikes scare me but it's not like I can't or don't ride one.
So yes I think I am weird!! XP