Hello everyone, Writers/ Readers. So this a poem that wouldn’t make it to my poem collection so , you might as well read the new poem here.
Summer sight.
The fog meets that the heat,
The heat that changes
From time to time,
Place to place.
Who would say the fog?
The heat not close
To what the fog couldn't
The heat, the dust and
Sky that would some day,
Remind you of the land
"Once a desert, even oasis
Far from fog sight "
You my little one,
You yet see the summer
Session that starts juicy,
Night that clear from
Fog sight, you see
Magic bloom.
Not during nighttime,
Nor when you start your day
Let the summer not fool you,
Your memories you cherish,
As you being the fog
You would miss
The summer,
The night life gazing,
A whole life, that once changed sessions
Far from calling it your world.
By Aabid