
Hey beautiful people, 'because of you' has been updated! 
          	I hope you enjoy the progress of this fiction. Do leave behind your comments and hit like!


I joined wattpad just to read your work. As i happened to read a bit of it at indiaforums and liked it much.
          You do such a great job.


Yeah they are jus really good too. 


@Wish6999 thank you for following me. I hope you find the fictions on wattpad equally interesting :)


Hey Amna! Pls provide an access to your stories in india forums. I only created this account to read your stories. Getting impatient. Pls do us a favor.


@a_khemka I have already started a few of my fictions here, i hope you read them and enjoy :)
            I had completely forgotten about collide. i shall try to upload that one as well.


Thanks a lot Amna. Will wait bt please try to update sooner..greedy much! : ) and dont forget to add collide and other stories as well. Appreciate ur efforts.


@a_khemka hey there! thank you for joining me in here. I also apologize for the trouble that you have to go through to read my work, as much as I am overwhelmed by all your response, I am also apprehensive to lose any rights of my work. I don't want to whine but the thing is in IF, I am not allowed to make any changes or retrieve my work after a certain period of time. I am not be a phenomenal author but I put in my time and efforts to write these fictions, so all i want in return in access to my work when i want it and also protection against plagiarism. Hence I started shifting my work to wattpad. you can read those stories here, I am trying my best to update. 


assalamualaikum,sister.hope u remember me :)..i creatd id in wattpad just to read ur stories...but u published only two story here :( where the others?i just want to read all again n new stories from u :) plz update soon if possible :)......stay blessed,sister :)
          [i talkd wth u in YHMforum where u wrote very amazing n exceptional stories]


@nadira_islam I'm well, thank you for asking. 
            I shall put the rest up too, soon. insha Allah. I'm glad to know you liked reading my work. I hope to entertain you in future as well :)


@AaminahSiddiqui11 i m doing good.how r u?  :)
            thnx for remembering me :)
            yeah i like 'Because of you' very much...ok take ur tym but u hav to post those again coz i really really  love ur writings.
            n again thank u very much for ur amazing stories.....
            stay blessed sister :)


@nadira_islam walaikum assalam, of course I remember you Nadira :) how are you doing? 
            Yes, for now I have only two fictions up. I need to edit the rest but I could not get time amidst my schedule. Hope you like 'Because of you' that's a brand-new story. 
            Also, thank you for joining me here on Wattpad. 


Ammmmnnaaaa! Come back here and post an update. I'm having withdrawal symptoms here. 


@thenightsmuse I luuuurrrvveee you. Ugh. I just came home after four hours worth of firing people. I'm tirrreeeeddddddd. And using 9rs ka net. Yes, I'm whining. I'll obviously read. Are you kidding me? :) 


@thenightsmuse it's up now! go read & enjoy if you find it up to the mark that is :)