
SORRY OUR BOOK HAD TO BE DELETE ME N HIM ARE NO LONGER FRIENDS !! I DONT like bs n I will never stand for it yall want a story time trust I will give yall one my page !! N it wasn’t like he was doing anything anyway I was the only one writing that book n his new book !! @youngestkid23 that’s me yall already …


We talked about our problems but we finna we new them tho 


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@AaronWilliams289 damnnn thats fucked up cause i love your books


SORRY OUR BOOK HAD TO BE DELETE ME N HIM ARE NO LONGER FRIENDS !! I DONT like bs n I will never stand for it yall want a story time trust I will give yall one my page !! N it wasn’t like he was doing anything anyway I was the only one writing that book n his new book !! @youngestkid23 that’s me yall already …


We talked about our problems but we finna we new them tho 


this message may be offensive
@AaronWilliams289 damnnn thats fucked up cause i love your books


Ight I’m off his account fr but yall I got a lot stuff going on so it takes time for my book and the book we sharing and yall do realize it takes time to come up with a story den keep up with that stuff so you won’t jump into different stuff but anyway this book coming back soon ionk when but it’s coming fr we got yall.


What happened that she was gonna write more on these books but those were the last only did six chapters we don’t get no updates on them. I enjoy both of your books but when you don’t put anything up there in a while, we don’t read it anymore. awesome books I thought they started, awesome