
Peace be upon to you :-)
          	Eid ..mubarak
          	 May Allah,  forgive all our sins and shower His mercy upon us.. may he accept all our prayers and our dua's
          	May he protect all of us and shower lots of blessings and happiness upon each and every one.Ameen.. ♥♥♥♥
          	Eid mubarak everyone..♥♥♥♥


@Abiramiii Thank you dear :)


Asalamu alikum sister hope you are well in shaa Allah. Sister I want to make a virtual book club where we read books to help us become closer to Allah. Would you be wanting to start this? It would be through what’s app. I really want to connect the wattpad community sisters so that we know who our sisters are making books of knowledge and we can learn together. Do you know many sisters on here?  


Peace be upon to you :-)
          Eid ..mubarak
           May Allah,  forgive all our sins and shower His mercy upon us.. may he accept all our prayers and our dua's
          May he protect all of us and shower lots of blessings and happiness upon each and every one.Ameen.. ♥♥♥♥
          Eid mubarak everyone..♥♥♥♥


@Abiramiii Thank you dear :)