Guess who's back?!?!?! Alright guys, I apologize for the extended wait on things but like many other flaky writers I am in college and very busy. However, writing has always been my escape and I am returning to it to try and de-stress! As of right now I will be writing three hours a week (not much I know) with priorities on the Alec Lightwood story and Paul LaHote. Once Paul's is finished, Jacob's will be next!!! Sorry for the wait but I am PROMISING an update on Preventative by THURSDAY for those of you who have stuck with the story. Much love and I'll see you guys then
p.s. when writing this it made me remember when Wattpad had an actual chat messenger and status bar, has anyone else been on here long enough to remember that? It was before fanfiction was even a popular thing and we all secretly cringed and divulged ourselves in fanfictions on the dark corners of the website... anywho.