
Hello there, neemotunaread13. Just stopping by to say thank you so much for following me. You're amazing for it ❤️ Always curious to know how people found my account and why they followed, so feel free to share ;) Haha, even if you don't feel like sharing, still, thanks so much for the follow. It means a ton to me ^.^
          - Cross


@neemotunaread13 All good xD I hope you weren't afraid to message back.  I don't bite.  Much... >.> XD And if you've read Midnight, I would highly recommend you see the chapter labeled ***Important Announcement*** as it's very important for anyone with an interest in Midnight to see.


Hi, sorry for taking too long to reply. I was just worried about stupid stuff and I've decided to just do it. Anyway i read your book Midnight and fell completely in love with the story so, i decided to follow you . 